The SCHUFA problem
Hand on heart: who hasn't forgotten to pay a bill at some point?
This can certainly happen, and companies are obliged to send the customer a written reminder before enforcement measures can be taken or entries made in the SCHUFA. It is usually the case that, at the latest when a reminder is sent, you realize that the invoice should now be paid urgently.
However, some people have phases in which they simply cannot pay anything. Unemployment, illness or divorce are often drastic events that throw life off track for a while. Bills and reminders quickly pile up, and it is not uncommon for the bailiff to ring. Some people then say to themselves "I don't care about my SCHUFA information now, it's all in the toilet anyway".
But experience shows that such phases also pass again: you have a job again, or you are healthy again and can take care of everything again. Nevertheless, there are still entries in the SCHUFA report from this difficult time. And it is precisely these that now prevent you from getting the urgently needed loan, for example, or the new apartment that you urgently need.
But how do you delete such entries?
Rule number 1 here is: by paying the outstanding debt, provided it is justified. Of course, this can take some time until the entry at SCHUFA is deleted or set to "settled", especially if installment payments have been agreed. In this case, full payment must be made before the entry can disappear. In addition, deletion deadlines must be observed.
Not everything can be deleted immediately. But it makes sense to take care of it now. However, it is also the case that a SCHUFA report sometimes contains incorrect or outdated entries. For this reason, it makes sense to regularly request an up-to-date extract of your SCHUFA data, either yourself or via our service. If you show SCHUFA why the entries are wrong or need to be corrected, then they usually react very quickly and change your data accordingly.
This is because SCHUFA also has an interest in ensuring that its database is up-to-date and correct. SCHUFA will therefore do everything it can to help you delete incorrect entries.
Have entries deleted with the help of has made it its goal to help you with this, so in such a case you can use our online form for a fee to submit your request for correction or deletion of a negative SCHUFA entry to SCHUFA. Of course, you can also do the paperwork yourself, in which case you will not incur any costs for our service.
In any case, this is a matter of weighing up whether you want us to do this work for you, or whether you would rather save money and invest time in return. In any case, we recommend taking action and making sure that negative SCHUFA entries disappear as soon as possible - so that you can enjoy your life again!