Driving a brand-new car at regular intervals, conveniently paying monthly installments and not having to make a large investment - that's just a small part of the many advantages of car leasing.
Without Schufa however, the dream of leasing becomes a distant memory.
Even if you have a solid, regular income and a permanent employment contract, the SCHUFA rating plays a significant role in deciding whether you qualify as a leasing contract holder.
Why the credit report plays such a major role in the conclusion of contracts and how to get a car leasing without SCHUFA or despite SCHUFA entry, you will learn in today's article.
What is SCHUFA and why is it so important?
Every German citizen has to deal with his credit report at least once in his life.
Whether it's moving house, signing a mobile phone contract or car leasing: without SCHUFA information usually nothing works.

The Schutzgemeinschaft für allgemeine Kreditsicherung, commonly called SCHUFA, is a German company that helps businesses, banks and landlords check the creditworthiness of potential contract partners.
In short, SCHUFA collects information on whether and how conscientiously individual citizens have met their payment obligations in the past and passes this information on to interested contract providers.
A bank that grants a loan or a company that offers car leasing naturally wants to know whether the installments can be paid on time by the customer.
If you have always paid your bills and installments on time in the past, you will have an excellent SCHUFA score.
However, if you have already attracted negative attention and have been involved in debt collection proceedings, for example, your credit rating by SCHUFA will be poor.
As a result, it becomes almost impossible to enter into a deal where you have to pay on account or make regular installments.
This also includes leasing contracts.
That is why those affected often have to Car leasing without SCHUFA-exclusion criterion.
Can I buy a carleasing without SCHUFA conclude?
First, the good news: yes, in principle, it is possible to have a car leasing without SCHUFA or despite SCHUFA entries.
However, here you should pay attention to some points.
For example, the choice of reputable leasing partners is shrinking considerably, while the risk of falling for dubious providers is increasing significantly.
Recognize dubious offers
There are some scam companies that take advantage of the plight of people with bad SCHUFA who are in need of a car and drive them to the brink of personal insolvency with horrendous installments or hidden payment obligations in the fine print.
Therefore, it is important that you check carefully in advance whether it is a trustworthy provider of leasing without SCHUFA is involved.

Therefore, be sure to take a close look at the provider's imprint and see who and which company is behind the offer.
A brief internet search should reveal whether it is a "rip-off" or an honest company.
You should also read the contract terms and conditions completely, several times, and down to the smallest detail so that you don't miss anything in the fine print.
If you do not understand one or more passages of the contract, it is best to call the provider directly.
If there is an easily accessible and serious-looking customer service there, this already indicates a trustworthy company.
However, if you don't reach out to anyone, discover hidden payments or other uncharacteristic clauses that burden you financially, it's best to distance yourself from this offer immediately.
Find reputable providers
Fortunately, there are also some intermediary agencies to which you can send your leasing request online and discreetly.
These refer to your decision whether and for which Leasing without SCHUFA They mainly take into account factors such as income, assets and a secure employment relationship when deciding whether you are eligible for a lease without SCHUFA.

Not all, but many companies even offer a free choice of dealer. Whether BMW, Mercedes or Audi - you can freely choose the car make and model.
Reputable providers have an easily accessible and professional customer service, where the employees take the time to answer all your questions.
In addition, the contract is clearly and transparently designed, so that you can directly overview all costs and obligations.
How much does a Car leasing without SCHUFA?
One thing first: Leasing without SCHUFA is in any case more expensive than conventional car leasing.
Since the provider must calculate with a higher risk of default, the monthly lease payments are correspondingly higher.
If this has to be paid, the one-time down payment at the beginning of the contractual partnership will also be significantly higher than for a normal leasing contract.
However, the car leasing without SCHUFA not only disadvantages.
Since the providers of credit-free leasing contracts do not cooperate with SCHUFA, the information on the conclusion of the contract is also not reported to SCHUFA.
Thus, your credit rating will not be affected by it.
Car leasing without SCHUFA conclude - 5 steps
If your "normal" leasing request was rejected, please do not blindly enter into a credit-free contract directly.
A lease is a serious, long-term financial commitment, so you should take your time to consider how and where to look for other deals.
So keep a cool head and calmly go through these 5 steps:
1. request self-disclosure
SCHUFA also makes mistakes - a lot of them, in fact.
According to various studies, around one third of all SCHUFA entries are incorrect or outdated.
So before you get frustrated with a more costly leasing without SCHUFA conclude, be sure to first order your personal SCHUFA self-assessment report and check and check whether you also have incorrect entries.

If this is the case, you can delete these entries immediately so that nothing stands in the way of a more favorable lease with a conventional provider.
Detailed information on the SCHUFA deletion deadline and who to contact can be found in our article "Delete SCHUFA entry - in just 3 steps". can be found here.
In general, we recommend that you check your own SCHUFA at regular intervals so that you do not run into difficulties when applying for credit, looking for an apartment, signing a mobile phone contract or financing a house or car.
2. request alternative contract conditions
Lease applications are often denied to protect the applicant.
Sounds strange, but it's actually quite plausible.
The monthly installments that one has to make on a car lease also always represent a continuous financial burden for the lessee.
Before you look for a leasing without SCHUFA you should ask some "normal" leasing companies if a contract could be made despite your low score - by setting the down payment higher.
A simple example:
For example, if you want to lease a car for three years with a one-time down payment of 1,000€ and an installment of 200€/month, you will end up with a total contract value of 8,200€ (3×12 months = 36 months, 36 months x 200€ = 7,200€, 7,200€ + 1,000€ = 8,200€).
If you have a bad SCHUFA, you will be relatively sure to be rejected on these terms, as 200€/month is a high rate.
However, you could ask if you can deposit, for example, 3,000€ to reduce the monthly installment so to about 140€. (8.200€ - 3.000€ = 5.200€, 5.200€ / 36 months = 144€ / month).
So your monthly charge is not so high and you get the leasing despite SCHUFA perhaps still approved.
3. compare providers
If your SCHUFA score is justifiably too bad for normal leasing providers, the only option left is to Car leasing despite SCHUFA entries.
Be sure to invest time in finding suitable, reputable providers and verify that they are trustworthy offerings by doing a little research on the company.

There are also significant price and performance differences among the various providers.
So compile a small list of potential providers and note in bullet points where they get what service for what money.
Then get a no-obligation, customized quote from the three providers you find most attractive.
Small tip: Even if you don't have any questions: call customer support to see if there are competent contacts there!
After all, a lot of money is at stake and the company will be your contractor for a long time.
That's where an easily accessible, professional customer service is an absolute must!
4. calculate solvency (realistically)
Before you choose a provider, be honest with yourself and calculate exactly what down payment and installment you can afford.
Don't skimp on the math here!
It's also best to have something on the side so you can meet your payment obligations even in financially difficult situations, such as when you lose your job.
If things aren't looking quite so rosy, factor that into your car choice.
That means if you're not quite as well off financially, you might want to consider a Skoda instead of a Mercedes C-Class.
Remember: If you get into financial difficulties, your leasing provider is not interested in why you are currently in a bottleneck and cannot pay your installments.
The company will try by all means to collect your installments and if necessary resort to debt collection and bailiffs.
Therefore, it is better to calculate generously in advance!
5. check contract
If you are looking for a provider for your leasing without SCHUFA have selected, have the contract sent to you.
Very important: If you are at the company in person, do not allow yourself to be pressured into signing the contract directly on the spot!
This is highly unprofessional on the part of the leasing company and deprives you of the chance to read through everything at your leisure.
As mentioned above, it is essential that you read the contract carefully before signing it.

Therefore, take the contract copy home and inspect it without any stress.
If there is any ambiguity, check with the provider or contact legal counsel.
So as you can see, it is quite possible to get a leasing without SCHUFA to come.
However, in any case, check your personal SCHUFA information regularly to have any errors deleted directly so that you do not have to rely on a credit-free lease in the first place.
Be vigilant, calculate realistically and question the terms of the contract.
If everything is in order with the contract, your leasing despite SCHUFA nothing more stands in the way.
Then it is also from us: Have a good trip!